1.Mr Gang says English now dominates as the foreign language of choice and the only one required by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
2.Its contract and Article sof association are to be examined and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
3.In line with diagnostic and management protocols issued by the Chinese Ministry of Health, she was immediately placed in isolation.
4.PVP -I to classify Chinese Ministry of Public Health as country disinfect iodine of the medicine bend over basically while being only too .
5.A publicity official with the Chinese ministry of railways said that the delay were to ensure passenger safety.
6.The Chinese Ministry of Health denied he had the "advanced level nutritionist qualification" that he claimed on his website.
7.One of his first clients as a lawyer was the Chinese Ministry of Finance, which was preparing a $1bn global bond offering in 1994.
8."Led by Chinese Ministry of Railways, China's administrative power played advantage in the negotiations, " Wu said.
9.A statement on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection warned that companies must meet environmental standards.
10.Has Chinese Ministry of Diploma asked such to US through diplomatic channel.